Core Competencies

JQUAD is Nationally Recognized for Its’ Innovation in Planning
A leader in revitalization and sustainability planning. Our planning initiatives include consolidated plans, analysis of impediments, public and assisted housing de-concentration plans, city comprehensive / master plans, needs assessments, market analysis, neighborhood sustainability and revitalization plans; downtown housing, specialty districts and workforce housing; housing needs assessments, and creating commercial corridor plans – economic development strategies that guide redevelopment of communities and public policy. Communities impacted by natural disasters and economic downturns have commissioned JQUAD to develop plans identifying opportunities to match their emergency and immediate needs with implementation resources.
Community Engagement
JQUAD incorporates the use of state-of-the-art technology for gathering input and maximizing the involvement of stakeholders through transformation visioning exercises, focus groups, SWOT analysis and strategic planning as critical components of each planning effort. JQUAD places priority on involving a broad sector of the community in developing a vision for their community and creating long term commitments to implementation, investment, and resiliency. In determining the priority needs for housing, infrastructure, non-housing community development, social, human, community and supportive service needs of the community, the citizen participation methodology utilizes survey instrument, interviews, demographic research and Turning Point Clicker Response Technologies.

Analysis of Impediments, 5-Year Consolidated Strategic Plans and Annual Plans
JQUAD incorporates the use of state-of-the-art technology for gathering input and maximizing the involvement of stakeholders through transformation visioning exercises, focus groups, SWOT analysis and strategic planning as critical components of each planning effort. JQUAD places priority on involving a broad sector of the community in developing a vision for their community and creating long term commitments to implementation, investment, and resiliency. In determining the priority needs for housing, infrastructure, non-housing community development, social, human, community and supportive service needs of the community, the citizen participation methodology utilizes survey instrument, interviews, demographic research and Turning Point Clicker Response Technologies.
HUD IDIS System Management
All Consolidated Plans and Annual Plans were completed and successfully submitted in the HUD IDIS System. Responsibility including citizen engagement, public hearings, town hall meetings, briefings and presentations to City Council. Other related activities include Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Reports (CAPERS), Substantial Amendments to Annual Plans, COVID 19 Planning and Substantial Amendments, and Disaster Recovery Program Recovery Plans and Programming.

CDBG and HOME Program Grants Management
JQUAD completed the City of Desoto, Texas request for Entitlement Grant Status and completed their inaugural Consolidated Plan (2014 – 2019) and Annual Plan (2014). JQUAD has also been responsible for all grant administration of the City of Desoto’s CDBG and COVID-19 funded Utility Assistance, Transportation Assistance, Housing Rehabilitation, Down-payment Homebuyer, and Economic Development Small Business Grant and Paycheck Protection Acts since 2014. JQUAD has completed all CAPERS and HUD Grant Management Reports since 2014.
Disaster Recovery Planning and Multifamily Program Underwriting
JQUAD completed Hurricane Disaster Recovery Plan for the City of Brunswick, Georgia (Hurricane Michael) and City of Port Arthur, Texas (Hurricane Harvey) in 2018. JQUAD was commissioned to provide Disaster Recovery Multifamily Housing Underwriting in conjunction with Cohn Reznic for statewide loan underwriting for the Texas General Land Office (GLO) Multifamily Disaster Recovery Program, both new construction and substantial rehabilitation.

Federal Government Planning and Policy
Federal Consulting include HUD Headquarters – formulation of HUD’s Capital Fund Formula, software and Public Housing Funding Allocation Model for funding Public Housing and Section 8 Voucher programs nationally; U. S. Fifth Circuit Court Consent Decree program management of the “Walker v HUD” in Dallas Texas and “Young v HUD” Housing Discrimination Lawsuits involving 72 cities and housing authorities in east Texas; and U.S. Department of Navy, Defense Manpower Analysis.
Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA) Plans
Are intended to revitalize a targeted neighborhood by encouraging a coordinated approach through comprehensive place-based efforts. By targeting an area, CDBG grantees stimulate investment and empower low-income residents in to build wealth and reverse neighborhood decline. Most recent planning includes engagements in Shreveport, Louisiana Target Neighborhoods and Choice Neighborhood Programs; and McHenry County, Illinois NRSA to develop economic initiatives.

Regional AI and HUD Sustainable Communities Planning Grant Initiatives
JQUAD has completed Regional Analysis of Impediments and Fair Housing Equity Assessments, and Housing Needs Assessment for East Arkansas PDD, a twelve-County area in Northeast Arkansas in 2015 and the Rockford Metropolitan Agency for Planning which includes Boone and Winnebago Counties and the City of Rockford, Illinois in 2013 as part of the HUD Sustainable Communities Planning Grant Initiative.
Housing, Poverty and Racial De-Concentration Plans
JQUAD has developed De-Concentration Plans for the City of Rockford – Rockford Housing Authority, Illinois and the City of Huntsville, Alabama. The U. S. Department of HUD has defined “Area Concentration of Poverty and Racial or Ethnic Segregation (R/ECAP) – as areas or census tracts within a jurisdiction comprised of 50% or greater minority population and 3 times or more the poverty level of the MSA and having concentrations of public and assisted housing and deteriorated neighborhood conditions. JQUAD also provided consultation HUD for law suites Young v. HUD, seventy cities and housing authorities in east Texas; and Walker v. HUD and Dallas supporting de-concentration

Market Analysis, Site and Neighborhood Standards, Housing Needs Assessments
JQUAD’s Housing Policies, Market Analysis, Site and Neighborhood Standards, Housing Needs Assessments include engagements in support of the City of Port Arthur Downtown Housing Initiative to build 60 to 200 new single-family units, a 140 multifamily units’ development, retail and commercial development; City of Orange, Texas Housing Authority in support of a proposed new construction 15 to 30 units development of senior housing; and Cullman City – Cullman County, Alabama to provide a projection of future housing needs.